Google has created this interactive live tracker which the Google Crisis Response team has collected geographic information during the process. The data comes from a variety of sources, including official information sources and user-generated content.
Hurricane Sandy is stated to be much worse than Hurricane Irene, so please take precaution.
Here are some tips provided by CDC:
- Several clean containers of water, large enough for a three-to-five day supply -- about five gallons per person
- A supply of non-perishable foods that can last up to five days. Non-perishable foods may include peanut butter, protein bars, dry cereal or granola, nuts, crackers, canned juices and ready-to-eat canned meats, fruits and vegetables.
- A first aid kit and manual.
- A battery-powered radio, flashlights, and extra batteries.
- Sleeping bags, extra blankets.
- Water-purifying supplies, such as chlorine or iodine tablets or unscented, ordinary household chlorine bleach. Here are tips on how to purify water with bleach.
- Prescription medicines and special medical needs.
- Baby food and/or prepared formula, diapers, and other baby supplies.
- Disposable cleaning cloths, such as "baby wipes" for the whole family to use in case bathing facilities are not available.
- Personal hygiene supplies, such as soap, toothpaste, sanitary napkins, etc.
Follow along and watch the Google Crisis Map Tracker, here.
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